USC’s Fraternities and Sororities Raised over $570K for Charity last semester, report says

“Fraternities and sororities at the University of South Carolina reported raising $571,572 for charity last semester, a new report shows.

USC’s 13 sororities, which have nearly twice as many people as the fraternities, did most of the heavy lifting. The sororities raised 79 percent of the money for charity and completed 84 percent of the Greek life community’s 51,887 community service hours, according to the report.”

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A Run with a Purpose

“On October 7, more than 120 runners descended on the future home of Camp Cole for a 5K trail run with a dual purpose— to raise money for the construction of Phase 1 of the camp and to increase awareness about the facility and its mission to help medically fragile adults and children throughout the Midlands.

“So far, we’ve had a community-led awareness campaign, but with the trail run, it gives everyone a chance to see the potential this camp could be for the city, Richland County, and the state,” said Camp Cole executive director Kelsey Sawyer.”


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1st Annual Camp Cole 5k Trail Run and Walk


Be the Reason Other can Shine by joining Camp Cole at the 1st Annual 5K Trail Run and Walk. 

All proceeds go to building Columbia’s first overnight camp and retreat center for children and adults with disabilities, illnesses, and other life challenges as well as other purpose driven groups!

Register Today

Questions: Contact Margaret Deans Grantz at [email protected]

The Backstory

Everything Has A Purpose

The story of Camp Cole started a long time ago.

It goes back to a friendship. One that no one knew would be so impactful. Stacy Sawyer and Deans Fawcett were sorority sisters; both Tri Deltas at the University of South Carolina. They would both graduate, get married, and have separate lives but would always stay friends.

Their story comes back together after both women are affected by cancer, a terrible disease.

In 2004 Cole Sawyer, Stacy’s son was diagnosed with cancer. Cole would battle this dreadful disease for a couple of years before sadly passing away. While sick, he attended a pediatric cancer camp where his bald head and chemo pills fit in with everyone else. For one week, he experienced the joys of camp with his older sister Kelsey and it is remembered as one of his favorite weeks.

Deans’ daughter, Margaret Deans, experienced cancer first hand when her best friend was diagnosed at the age of 3 and passed away at the age of 8. For one week her bald head and chemo pills fit in with everyone else. This was the same pediatric cancer camp that Cole attended but about eight years earlier.

There is a reason for everything.

Fast Forward to 2009 and both Kelsey and Margaret Deans are counselors at this same camp. They lost someone so close to them, but knew there was a purpose and wanted to give back. Both Cole and Margaret Deans’ friend loved camp and so for the past 10 summers Kelsey and Margaret Deans have served at this camp for children with cancer.

After Cole’s passing, Stacy and her family desperately wanted to create a camp home for this camp. A place that was a clean, safe space for children with diseases. They wanted this pediatric cancer camp to have a place to call Home. But they had just lost their son, the idea became overwhelming and they realized it wasn’t the time. They put their plans on hold hoping to one day find a way.

In 2015, Margaret Deans was at a camp conference. Sitting among a table talking to John Hinks, who is now a Camp Cole advisory board member, about how it was time to really work on building our dream camp. At the time, Peter Fawcett had been approached to purchase a farm on Highway 378 from Hammond School. Margaret Deans envisioned the land being the perfect spot for the camp. It is close to the hospital but far enough out to still be a camp. When back from the conference, the first phone called made was to Stacy.

Stacy and Deans could never have guessed their lives and friendship was going to rekindle the way it did. Suddenly, these two go-getters were on a mission to make Columbia a better community. Stacy, Deans, and a few others went to the land and knew this land on Garners Ferry could turn the dream into a reality.

Peter Fawcett, who has a heart of gold, believed in the vision and cared about the mission. He agreed to purchase the land to make Columbia’s first overnight camp for children and adults with a variety of needs. Things were beginning to take off with Stacy and Deans as the gallant leaders taking on something that has never been done before.

Suddenly, in 2016 Stacy passed away.

The visionary, the leader, the motivator who believed in this camp from the day her son passed away, suddenly was no longer physically here to create her dream camp.

The best thing that ever happened after that awful day was Stacy’s family believing in her dream too. Driving to the beach, Kelsey called Deans and told her that this dream was not going to fade again and if Deans was still willing could they all keep Stacy’s dream and continue working toward the reality of creating and building a camp for adults and children of all kinds.

For two years, the Fawcett family and the Sawyer family have worked hard alongside each other for Stacy, for Cole, for the Columbia Community.

Today, the dream of Camp Cole is happening. Columbia will have its first overnight camp space for camp programs of all kinds. Camp Cole will have a campus that is handicap accessible, that is clean and safe, and an environment for everyone no matter if you have a disability, disease or hardship.

We are so thankful for every person who has been on our journey so far. The donors, the volunteers, our families and friends who have stood by our side and listened to our story, this would not be happening without you believing in us. Camp Cole is happening and we cannot be more excited to continue sharing this journey with you. 2018 is going to be the best year yet!

South Carolina More than Four Rally

South Carolina More than Four Rally – A rally that Stacy helped raise awareness about federal funding only spending 4% on Childhood Cancer Research.

Stacy sharing her story about how cancer has affected her life, along with the lives of many, outside the State House.

Stacy Sawyer Honored at Alfac Duck Prints

COLUMBIA, S.C. /PRNewswire

Aflac, the leading provider of voluntary insurance sales at the worksite in the U.S. and a committed corporate ally in the fight against childhood cancer, and Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital proudly presented Duckprints Awards to four heroes who have left their footprints in the fight against childhood cancer. At the ceremony, which was held at Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital in Columbia, South Carolina, attendees also heard the story of DJ Fisher, a 17-year-old patient at Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital, who provides invaluable peer support to other children also undergoing cancer treatment.

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